The Most Nourishing and Revitalizing Practice Yet- Sunrise, Sunshine, Sunset

This podcast talks all about how to move through feeling stuck and into curiosity by inviting microrituals into your life. Small things that connect and SHIFT you into deeper vitality in your life.

I focus on the micro ritual of Sunrise and share how it has expanded, connected and healed me in ways that I couldn’t imagine.

I am always trying new things out, adding in new things I see and as I have grown older following my own innate curiosity and wisdom and seeing where that leads me.  

About a year ago I came across an ObGyn on instagram that was talking about sunlight, hormones and quantum physics.  As a sun lover and quantum physics geek I hung around to hear her teach.

Then I stopped listening to her and STARTED DOING what she was OFFERING.  

I started waking up to see the sunrise or to see the sun code; the red, organe, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet as they passed in the morning sky.  At first I started with just 30 seconds (it was winter) then slowly I started feeling some shifts in my sleep and I started CRAVING getting up and staying out longer and longer. 

A year later I can say that this is the most nourishing microrituals I have ever brought into my life.  It has changed my life.  It has brought me MORE LIFE! 

Brought me closer to God/Source or whatever you wanna call it, it has helped me SLEEP (I was super struggling before this), it has helped me biologically/hormonally in so many ways but truly the biggest shift is my REVERANCE for life and my moods.  It is just hard to have a bad day, to feel lack or even fear when I start at that beautiful sun rise.

The most nourishing and grounding practice yet!

This podcast talks all about how Sunrise has expanded, connected and healed me in ways that I couldn’t imagine.

I talk all about how to move through being stuck and into curiosity and invite in microrituals that connect and SHIFT you into deeper vitality in your life.


If you want to find out MORE about sunlight, sun codes, hormones, quantum physics AND SO MUCH more then you still have time to hop into The Shift.  It is the place where I share the information AND invite you to get curious and create/step into your own microrituals that SHIFT it all for you inside and out!


Expanding into the Unknown- Your Unique Soul Print


Opening the Door to Possibility when we Feel Stuck