Harvesting the Pauses of Life…ahhh.

From the most basic to the most expansive level all life is connected.

We are connected through basic life forces, the elements of: air, water, light connects and nourishes ALL of those present on this Earth: humans, beasties and beyond. It’s just the facts ma’am.

Looking around our culture (and for most of my own life) we see the forgetting of this basic fact. We see it in a myriad of ways through the fragmentation of ourselves internally and society at large.

We are in need of a RECLAMATION! The Reclamation or remembering (putting the pieces back together) happens now and in every moment where we choose to see and feel and step into the presence of this deep truth, the connection.

How do we fall into deep presence in a world that is fast, that passes us by, where we “fall asleep”?

We harvest the pauses of life.

They are EVERYWHERE! In the moment of a deep, deep breath in the moment of catching a loved ones eye, falling into a smile, fully hugging and sharing in grief, in the staring out the window, in the pause before the release of bowels, in the moments in between and everywhere if we could only choose to harvest them.

If we are having a hard time it maybe because our nervous system is so activated, so in stress response (we may not even realize) that we feel deeply uncomfortable finding the pause because sometimes in this circumstance the pause isn’t very peaceful or quiet it is LOUD with all that lives deep within trying to get your attention.

A great place to start is in nature. It slows down as we tune into nature, connect with a tree, stare at the sky and expand into that interconnection.

It all slows down.

We have grown so use to the fragmentation. We see it nearly everywhere and of particularly of note to humans is in our health and wellness and very vitality. It manifests as the pinpointing of a specific chemical that is “too much “ or ”too little” and so we try to fix it. Maybe we take something. In the end that band aid hopefully helps but it doesn’t see the other side of the coin. The WHOLE, how it is all connected and the root of supporting the basic homeostasis of us! What we eat, what we think, our willingness to go within and feel that patterns, the stress, the light we do or don’t see the way we breath it impacts our vitality.

Vitality is, “The characteristic, principle, or force that distinguishes living things from nonliving things”. So many of us DON’T feel so very alive. We survive but are we really ALIVE and LIVING? Do we think that living is something we do outside or perhaps a way that we connect with life itself?

Turning more into harvesting the pauses, reconnecting with the truth of what is, inviting in the connection through moment of magic (perspective shifts) each day shifts our very biochemical nature and can truly shift the very world we live on and in.

So take those deep breaths, breath the air in deeper, look deep into the eyes of a stranger or a loved one, take the time to figure out what nourishes you (beyond food), stop filling life up so you can feel more FULL by creating space for life to flow through.

If you are looking for a “map” to experience deeper vitality, The shift is simple 10 days journey to invite you in. To learn new things about how we are inherently connected in all our systems to lift and how this expands our vitality. To then know, to embody by reaching out to life with new experiences to shift into deeper vitality.


Becoming, Belonging and Falling Back Within