The Soul Medicine of Confusion - An Invitation to Dive within and Listen.

There are many signposts on the path of rewilding and reconnecting, as you strip layers off and connect more with your soul.  

It is common to see many of the sign posts as “danger, bad, you are going the wrong way, turn around now”..... THIS ISN’T THE TRUTH!  When we are in the thick of it our vision can be a bit blurry and we aren’t able to always see the sign posts clearly.  Your nervous system may be highly activated and you think run, when really you are exactly where you are meant to be.

One of the biggest sign posts is confusion.  Confusion is a beautiful place to be; no truly. It is a place that brings the possibilities of deeper questioning.  A place where you can throw up your hands; just sit and be.  If you let it, it can be a place of deep surrender.  

Confusion doesn’t mean you won't ever know, it simply means you don’t know right now. 

It is a sign post of pause; an invitation to dive in deeper and listen.  So many of us look at this sign post and think, “Oh man I have done it wrong, I am in the wrong place, I am not good enough, I will never find my way and all the rest”

When we see this sign post we think it is directing us to THINK and analyze.  You may make lists and get more knowledge, but at the end of the day this isn’t really the medicine that is being presented.  You may be missing the medicine of the pause, the inner connection and deep knowing that is possible in the pause the confusion is asking of you.

For many of us part of what we are unraveling and reclaiming is the connection to our own inner knowing, our own power and our own inner compass. We are reclaiming our inner authority and the immense value this is to our own unique lives.

WE KNOW deep within and we can trust that knowing, even when it seems against the pro/con list or against others recommendations or even if it seems “crazy” to us.

When big confusion sets in, to me it means that a big shift is coming in life.  It is that moment of deeper surrender and stillness...NOT a time to spin and spin and spin.

It is a time to dive deeper into the trust of life and the divine flow of life as it is.  

It is not something to push away, to control or to be afraid of. It is something to truly BE with. 

When you are in that state of confusion..that state of questioning you are in the birth portal, in between two realms.  This is a time period where some will begin to question the time, where some will begin to think I can’t do this, it’s too hard, I am not strong enough.  Some will tap out of the present moment and it will seem as if it becomes BIGGER than them.  Others will go deeper, allow themselves to dig in and to feel more grace within themselves.  To allow the space to be in the moment in the presence and shut all the noise out around.

This is the space that you step into the greatest trust that YOU ARE SUPPORTED.

This is when you ask you inner wisdom, your soul self to GUIDE you and you sit and listen for the answers as they well up inside.

The birth doesn’t take place when you are swirling and holding out only when you tap in, open up, trust and finally let go.

Click here to experience a guided meditation on the medicine of confusion!


If you are interested in unraveling some of your layers, of showing up deeper to your inner sign posts and coming deeper into your soul self then check out Soul Sessions.


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