On Rage, The Dark Feminine and Owning Your Life.

A podcast all about the wisdom of feminine rage, the dark feminine and owning your life and feeling more whole.

A podcast to explore the value of the shadow and the dark feminine?

What are aspects of ourselves and the collective that we keep “in the basement”. The parts that we stuff down and label as “bad”, unworthy, unacceptable, unloveable?

The podcast invites you into a conversation about what you keep in your "basement", how this takes your energy and keeps you fragmented and where this comes from.

I cover the wild feminine; the wisdom of rage, intuition, vulnerability, weakness and the warrior within.

How we you can shine a light on and begin to invite parts of yourself back in.

How can you claim the vulnerable, warrior queen and utilitze rage in a wise way?


Interested in ReWilding? Check out ReWilding Sessions- Sessions for women who want to live in deeper coherence with their innate nature; their wild and whole selves.


Stop Being So Hard On Yourself and Step into Grace


Aligning with the Truth of You- A Solstice Ritual