Stop Being So Hard On Yourself and Step into Grace

This podcast is both a story time to connect you to the inner FEELING of grace as well as a “how to” met and access this state of being!

So…how Gracious are you with your self?

Just in case you needed a reminder we are all messy, we all make mistakes, we all have shadows and some level of trauma. We are all human!

So what happens when we stop being so hard on ourselves and step into grace?

What does that FEEL like inside our body and how does it allow us to shift into softness AND radical responsibility.

In this podcast I cover how grace is found in the shadow and how we can begin to reclaim aspects of ourselves.

I also cover HOW we can step out of overwhelm and a life that feels spiny and into grace through the natural pauses in life.

Enjoy this podcast

To learn more about Rewilding check it out here!


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