Why is breathing, pausing and paying attention to natural cycles, revolutionary?

How we have gotten so far away from our humanness that it seems truly revolutionary, counter culture and “crunchy, new agey, witchy, weird and whatever other labor you want to put on it, in our society to actually live in alignment with our natural cycles; to simply pause throughout the day and to tap into the “laws of nature” and live in alignment with them rather than biohacking our way or controlling them.

Women share with me all the time how they wish they could simply rest when they are on their cycle or how emotional they are that they have to hide at their jobs for fear of being emotional or “bitchy”. The story of our society and therefor it’s very structure is that we don’t honor the total and complete natural design of the female rhythm or even the Earth’s rhythm.

So what if we changed the narrative, we didn’t feel bad or wrong about it. We didn’t push through?

What if we didn’t label it as “hippy”, “new age”, “crunchy organic people” to simply live in our innate rhythm? What if it totally shifted our culture to claim it and slowly move into more alignment? What does that even look like?

This week’s podcast recounts a story from a class I recently taught with a group of women where we explored Perimenopause and also the labels there were around totally natural things like breathing, cycles and simply how would it change life to live in deeper alignment, to rewild!

Enjoy and let me know your thought!


ReWilding- A door way to the most optimum possibility of WHOLE health


Stop Being So Hard On Yourself and Step into Grace